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Heed the Plight of Marivan’s Storks; If They Flee, They May Never Return.

378 Signatures
500 Goal
Ghazal Sadegh Hedayat started this petition

Author: Ghazal Sadegh Hedayat

For several days, the natural balance in Sarvabad's Kosalan heights, within Kurdistan province, has been thrown into jeopardy due to the military operations of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC). Commencing on June 12, 2023, this operation, featuring heavy artillery fire, military vehicles, and drones, has transformed the area into an active battlefield within a short period.

According to reports, the IRGC's intent behind these operations is to "purge" the area of Kurdish forces and political factions. This lethal "purging" has resulted in the destruction of natural habitats and vegetation in the Kosalan highlands, likely due to deliberately set fires. These suspicions arise as the military forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran pave roads and establish their military presence in this mountainous region with heavy machinery such as bulldozers, loaders, and mechanical excavators.

This military intervention poses a significant threat to not only the lives, property, and sustenance of residents living in the villages surrounding Marivan but also jeopardizes wildlife through artillery fire, environmental degradation, and wildfire. This grim situation echoes the wildfire disaster two years ago in the Tafi Valley, a sanctuary for 200 migratory storks nestled in the forests on Marivan's periphery. For many years, Tafi Valley's residents have personally financed and built habitats for these storks, and today, they call upon their fellow citizens to aid in managing the escalating fires.

Let us not remain indifferent to the wildfire news from Marivan's valleys and mountains. Extend your hands towards preserving our environment, natural life, and especially our cherished storks. If they flee, they may never return.

June 20, 2023

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    Province Number of signatures
    Alborz 7
    Ardabil 1
    Bushehr 2
    Chahar Mahaal and Bakhtiari 1
    East Azerbaijan 1
    Fars 10
    Gilan 4
    Golestan 1
    Hamadan 0
    Hormozgan 0
    Ilam 1
    Isfahan 7
    Kerman 1
    Kermanshah 6
    Khuzestan 3
    Kohgiluyehv And Boyer Ahmad 0
    Kurdistan 24
    Lorestan 2
    Markazi 1
    Mazandaran 0
    North Khorasan 0
    Qazvin 0
    Qom 0
    Razavi Khorasan 8
    Semnan 1
    Sistan and Baluchestan 0
    South Khorasan 1
    Tehran 45
    West Azerbaijan 5
    Yazd 0
    Zanjan 3
    This petition has received 378 signatures so far. Approximately 79% of signatures come from Iran. Approximately 21% of signatures come from outside of Iran. Learn how Daadkhast generates signature maps.
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  • Ghazal Sadegh Hedayat started this petition

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