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Campaign to Support Victims Against Unjust Security Court Filings and Orders

268 Signatures
500 Goal

Written by Azin

Judicial decisions against workers in the Islamic Republic of Iran are often unjust and founded on baseless accusations. This campaign seeks to end these wrongful procedures.

Every day, the judicial system condemns more workers and workers' rights activists across various fields, relying on unsubstantiated security evidence and unfair procedures. Recently, many labor activists, including journalists, teachers, and educators, have been sentenced to prison and other social exclusions through these false processes.

A clear example of this unjust practice is the security project involving two French travelers, union activists, and 12 Iranian labor activists. This case has been constructed to prevent any organized union activity of workers.

The security apparatus of the Islamic Republic of Iran orchestrated a wide-ranging media campaign, falsely announcing the arrest of two Europeans. They claimed these individuals entered the country to manipulate demands of various social classes and incite riots. This was part of a scenario broadcasted by state-run media and promoted by multiple news agencies.

In this fabrication, several members of teachers' and bus unions, writers, translators, and labor activists were arrested in April 2022. These included members of the teachers' union, such as Rasul Bodaghi, Iskandar (Soran) Lotfi, Massoud Nikkhah, Shaban Mohammadi, Jafar Ebrahimi, and Mohammad Habibi, as well as members of the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company: Reza Shahabi, Hassan Saeedi, Davood Razavi. Other labor activists were also arrested, including Keivan Mohtadi (writer and translator), Anisha Assdollahi (translator and labor activist), and Reihaneh Ansarinejad (retired worker).

The most recent instance is the 4-year prison sentence for Reihaneh Ansarinejad, a retired labor activist. The verdict was issued under questionable charges and included additional punitive measures, such as banning her from political affiliations and working in the media for two years.

According to Ansarinejad's lawyer, the entire process was filled with legal violations, mirroring many cases labeled as security cases.

False accusations often lead to security cases, such as the one involving espionage charges against two French citizens (members of a labor union in France). The international community recognizes the meeting between French workers and independent Iranian organizations as an ordinary act of union solidarity, not espionage. This mislabeling has led to unfair trials and judgments.

The signatories demand an end to security cases and the security apparatus's interference in trials involving union and political defendants. We call for fair courts, allowing the defendant's lawyer to be present during all stages of the legal process.

We insist that citizens have access to a chosen lawyer at all stages of an investigation, particularly when the security institutions act as both plaintiffs and investigators.

We consider any judicial process that lacks this feature to be unjust and a violation of the accused's rights, and we condemn it.

We demand the cancellation of all unjust sentences issued without proper defense and the unconditional release of all detainees and prisoners related to this case and other popular protests against existing injustices.

13 August 2023

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