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Incidents of Murderous Violence Against Baluch Citizens: The Role of IRGC and Basij

240 Signatures
500 Goal
A Baluch activist started this petition

November 2023

Recently, there has been a concerning rise in violent shootings and murders of civilians in various parts of Baluchistan, perpetrated by unidentified individuals in plain clothes. Often, these acts of violence occur at the victims' homes, nearby areas, workplaces, or vehicles, and alarmingly, law enforcement seems to be making limited efforts to apprehend those responsible. Some of these assailants are allegedly linked to government-backed entities such as the Basij paramilitary force and the Islamic Republic of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). There are claims that the IRGC and certain security bodies are distributing weapons unlawfully to their affiliates.

According to the Baluchi Halvash news agency, on the evening of September 20, 2023, Basij forces from the Tardast Shahouzehi base located in the Babayan area of Hirmand Street in Zahedan, opened fire on a man and his two teenage sons as they crossed the street. As a result of the shooting, Mohammad Reza Dar Naroui, the father, sustained severe injuries from three bullet wounds, while his seventeen-year-old son, Mohammad Dar Naroui, tragically died from a bullet that struck his heart. Despite the grievance lodged by the bereaved family, police have yet to take measures to identify or apprehend the culprits or address the complaint.

On September 19 and 20, 2023, with just a day in between, two members of the Askani family, Seyed Ali Askani and his uncle Mohammad Amin Askani were tragically killed. Zaman Shah and his brother Ghulam Shah, a local commander of the IRGC in Rask City and a clan leader, are under suspicion for these murders, especially given that the weapon involved is linked to the IRGC. The Halavesh news agency speculates that the motive behind these murders might have been personal vengeance.

The Baluchistan Human Rights Group states, "The provision of weapons by security agencies to prominent individuals in the region can sometimes be misused for personal agendas. This often ignites clan conflicts, resulting in casualties and injuries among the populace."

In 2022, 76 Baluch citizens were reportedly killed by unidentified forces. This figure is distinct from those killed by official police forces within the same year. In 2023, as of this writing, a minimum of 40 individuals have been slain by unknown assailants. Their names are provided below.

We, the undersigned, advocate for the safety of Baluch citizens. We urge the cessation of weapon distribution to affiliates of the IRGC and Basij and emphasize the importance of adhering to due legal processes to apprehend and prosecute those responsible for these acts of terror in Baluchistan.

Names of several Baluch citizens reportedly killed by unidentified assailants in 2023:

  1. May 19, 2023: Rashid Kashani was fatally shot in Shirabad, Zahedan by unidentified armed individuals. He was related to Hossein Kashani, a detainee from the 'Women, Life, Freedom' movement in 2022. Source: Rasank and
  2. May 23, 2023: In Gungan, Qasrqand City, Asad Ashpazi was shot in the abdomen and chest by unknown individuals, leading to his death. Source: Rasank and
  3. May 27, 2023: Abdul Surizahi was shot by unidentified assailants in front of his home in Saravan. Source: Rasank and
  4. May 28, 2023: In Iranshahr County, two brothers, Abdul Salam Charizhi (Jamshidzehi), 31, married with a child, and Abdul Halim Charizhi (Jamshidzehi), 29, married with a child, were fatally targeted. Their killings are believed to be due to non-cooperation with intelligence forces. Source: Rasank and
  5. May 30, 2023: In Mazandaran, a young Baluch man named Hashim Dehmardeh was killed by unidentified armed persons. Source: Rasank and
  6. June 10, 2023: Shakir Murad, also known as Dr. Ismail Baluch from Torbat, was shot by unknown individuals at his workplace. Dr. Ismail, a Baluch political activist, had sought refuge in Torbat. Source: Rasank and
  7. June 8, 2023: Aslam Parki was killed in Soran, Saravan by unidentified assailants. Source: Rasank and
  8. June 11, 2023: In the Auraki village of Dashtiari County, Aslam Jadgal was assassinated by unidentified armed men. Source: Rasank and
  9. June 14, 2023: In Chabahar, Zakir Baluch from Dashtari was killed by unknown armed individuals at his workplace. Source: Rasank and
  10. June 21, 2023: Faramarz Raisi from Jalag Saravan was shot by unknown armed individuals in Gulshan Saravan while returning home. Source: Rasank and
  11. June 20, 2023: In Smail Abad Khash, Usman Moradzehi was killed by unknown individuals while returning home. Source: Rasank and
  12. June 25, 2023: In Rask, Ehsan Abadian, a young Baluch teacher, was shot dead by unidentified gunmen. Source: Rasank and
  13. June 26, 2023: Unidentified gunmen opened fire on a car, killing soldier Mahim Sarkouri from Angouri village and injuring his son, Hamid Sarkouri. Source: Rasank and
  14. June 26, 2023: In Bampur, Iranshahr, unknown gunmen targeted a house, killing Azam Hamli and Dadrahman Bamri. Two others, including a child, were injured. Source: Rasank and
  15. June 30, 2023: In Baghdaniyeh village, Iranshahr, an 18-year-old named Fardin Zardkohi was killed by unidentified gunmen. Source: Rasank and
  16. June 25, 2023: In Tehran, a Baluch citizen named Yaser Zare Zahi from Zahedan was reportedly tortured to death. The assailants remain unidentified. Source: Rasank and
  17. June 28, 2023: In Shirabad, Zahedan, 30-year-old Yaser Rakhshani, who had mental disabilities, was killed by unidentified armed individuals. Source: Rasank and
  18. June 30, 2023: In Nikshahr, 28-year-old Akhtar Iranpanah, while driving, was fatally shot at close range by unknown armed individuals. Source: Rasank and
  19. June 30, 2023: On the Mirjaveh Axis, 32-year-old Naser Rigi, while returning from the Sarjangal area of Zahedan, was shot dead by unidentified gunmen. Source: Rasank and
  20. July 2, 2023: In Bahuklat Dashtiari, Chabahar, a 52-year-old Saravani citizen named Idris Hasani was found dead. He was killed by unknown individuals en route to Chabahar. Source: Rasank and
  21. July 3, 2023: In Iranshahr, Reza Naroi was fatally shot from behind by unidentified armed individuals. Source: Rasank and
  22. July 3, 2023: In the Pirreza district of Iranshahr, 32-year-old Reza Sheikh Veisi was killed by unknown gunmen. His companion, Hossein, was seriously injured. Source: Rasank and
  23. July 8, 2023: In Dashtiari, Chabahar city, Khaled Tanhal, a medical staff member of the Plan region, was killed by unknown armed individuals. Source: Rasank and
  24. July 8, 2023: In Gulshan Saravan, 14-year-old Dariush Molazehi was shot dead by unidentified gunmen. Another child, aged 6 and unnamed, was seriously injured. Source: Rasank and
  25. July 10, 2023: In Jaleq Saravan, 6-year-old Asiyah Chakri and her 14-year-old brother, Vahid Chakri, were killed by unidentified gunmen in front of their home. Source: Rasank and
  26. July 11, 2023: In Nikshahr, Mustafa Mirkazehi Rigi from Zahedan was murdered by unknown assailants. Local residents found his body several days later. Source: Rasank and
  27. July 12, 2023: In Tis, Chabahar, 2-year-old Abdul Ghafoor Saleh Zehi died after unidentified armed men targeted his father's car. Source: Rasank and
  28. July 18, 2023: In Iranshahr, Yaser Rigi was killed by unidentified gunmen, and his younger brother, Arman, was abducted. Source: Rasank and
  29. July 19, 2023: In Iranshahr, 20-year-old Mehran Narmashiri was shot dead by unknown assailants. Source: Rasank and
  30. July 20, 2023: On the Zahedan-Chabahar route, the body of 34-year-old Ali Akbar Shah Bakhsh was discovered. He had been shot and was previously taken hostage alongside two other individuals. One of the hostages was identified as 30-year-old Elias Anshani (Baluchzehi Rigi), while the identity of the third remains unknown. Source: Rasank and
  31. July 26, 2023: In Zabul, Hadi Nouri was abducted and assaulted by armed individuals. He later succumbed to injuries sustained during the beating. Source: Rasank and
  32. July 27, 2023: In Mehrgan, Saravan, Mansour Notizehi was fatally shot by unidentified persons at the city's shopping center. Source: Rasank and
  33. July 30, 2023: In Iranshahr, Farouk Zardkohi was shot within his car by unknown assailants. He passed away from his injuries. Notably, his brother Farhad had been similarly attacked three weeks prior and was left in a coma. Source: Rasank and
  34. July 30, 2023: In Saravan, Faramarz Pescohi was targeted and killed by unidentified gunmen while driving. Source: Rasank and
  35. July 30, 2023: In Chabahar, 25-year-old Arash Raisi was shot outside his residence by unknown armed individuals. He succumbed to his injuries two days later. Source: Rasank and
  36. July 31, 2023: In Zahak city, 30-year-old Farzad Gergij was killed in a shooting by unidentified armed persons. Source: Rasank and
  37. August 2, 2023: In Iranshahr, both 50-year-old Jalil Ahmad Burhanzehi and 37-year-old Vahid Shahradazi were fatally shot by unknown armed assailants. Source: Rasank and
  38. August 6, 2023: In Saravan, 31-year-old Pedram Sepahi was shot by intelligence forces outside his home and later died from his injuries. Source: Rasank and
  39. August 16, 2023: In Iranshahr, Shahriar Amini, along with several other citizens, were ambushed by unidentified armed individuals in the Daman area. Shahriar was killed, and multiple others sustained injuries. Source: Rasank and
  40. August 20, 2023: In Saravan, the charred and tortured remains of a young Baluch couple, Hani Gul Baluch (who was pregnant) and Samir Baluch, were discovered. They had been abducted from their home by unknown armed individuals on August 17. Notably, this couple were political activists who had relocated to Iranshahr from Torbat in Eastern Baluchistan. It is believed they were abducted and killed due to their political activities. Source: Rasank and

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    ۲۲ اردیبهشت ۱۴۰۳

  • A Baluch activist started this petition

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