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Deterioration of Maryam’s Health

183 Signatures
500 Goal
Maryam Yazdanfar started this petition

May 20, 2024

My name is Maryam Yazdanfar. I am a refugee living in Denizli, Türkiye. I suffer from scoliosis, a condition causing an abnormal curvature of the spine. Due to severe pain, I underwent surgery on December 17, 2020, at a local hospital. The specialist implanted nineteen platinum plates in my spine, but the surgery was poorly performed. This worsened my condition, causing increased pain, blackened vertebrae, and reduced spinal fluid.

Six months later, I had another unsuccessful surgery. A severe infection led to a third operation within a week, which also failed. Several specialists then diagnosed that the plates were loose and required a new surgery. On March 30, 2022, I had my fourth surgery by the same doctor, but my condition did not improve. Despite paying for each operation, the hospital administration ignored our complaints and offered no further assistance.

In Istanbul, another specialist found that all previous surgeries were unsuccessful. None of the platinum plates were correctly inserted; four were dislodged, and one was broken. Due to multiple surgeries, my muscles have weakened, necessitating another operation. Unfortunately, due to restrictions imposed by the Turkish government on refugees, I cannot sue the surgeon or claim compensation from the hospital.

Now, I need another surgery, but I can no longer afford it. Without this operation, I will be confined to a wheelchair for life. I am appealing for financial assistance through this petition. Thank you to everyone who can help.

Link to the GoFundMe campaign for financial aid: (

**Note:** The Daadkhast platform does not manage this fundraising campaign; its author holds full responsibility.

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    This petition has received 183 signatures so far. Approximately 66% of signatures come from Iran. Approximately 34% of signatures come from outside of Iran. Learn how Daadkhast generates signature maps.
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  • هزینه ی عمل جراحی مریم یزدانفر فراهم شد

    مهشید ناظمی در صفحه ی اینستاگرام خود ضمن تشکر از حامیان مریم خبر از تامین هزینه عمل جراحی او داد و نوشت: «با حمایت شما عزیزانی که مریم رو تنها نذاشتید هزینه جراحی تامین شد و مریم پنجشنبه میره برای جراحی تا این پلاتینها رو از توی کمرش در بیارن و بتونه دوباره بدون درد زندگی کنه خواستم این خبر خوب رو با همه شما به اشتراک بذارم و بگم گل کاشتید بچه ها، ممنونم از همگی 🫂🙏🥹 و یک تشکر ویژه از پناهندگان ساکن ترکیه که انسانیت رو دوباره برای شخص من معنا بخشیدن دست همگی شما رو میبوسم که اینقد خوبین 🥹»
    - ۱۲ تیر ۱۴۰۳

  • Maryam Yazdanfar started this petition

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