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Open letter of LGBTQ+ activists and organizations protesting the government’s approach to the death of Ebrahim Raisi

229 Signatures
500 Goal
فعالین و تشکل‌های رنگین‌کمانی started this petition

Your messages of condolence to criminals against humanity disgust us all

The news of the death of Ebrahim Raisi, the president of the inhuman and homophobic regime of the Islamic Republic, met with a wave of happiness among the Iranian people inside and outside the country. Ebrahim Raisi has always been one of the foundations of the regime's execution and repression machine, and he particularly played a prominent role in the mass execution of political prisoners in summer 1988 and the killing of at least 5,000 political prisoners. Those who were imprisoned for many years after widespread street arrests, were tried in courtrooms for a few minutes and ultimately sent to the death corridors.

Also, Raisi's role in the execution and killing of homosexuals and queers who were unjustly killed by the judicial system of the Islamic Republic cannot be hidden. He had even declared his hostility with gays, queers and Iranian women many times and spread hatred and promoted homophobia and queerphobia from various domestic and international tribunes. His words clearly showed the world the depth of the Islamic regime's opposition to queer and women.

Now that the world is looking at the news of Iran and the death of these criminals, and it is crucial to say as much as possible about the depth of the crimes of Ibrahim Raisi against women, the LGBT+ community and the whole society; Unfortunately, we are witnessing that some of you politicians and government representatives are sending messages of condolence and sympathy to Ali Khamenei in the name of "Iranian people". This action of yours is a disgrace to the international community and human rights, and it is also a clear insult to all women, LGBTQ+ and people who rose up to overthrow the Islamic Republic chanting altogather Woman Life Freedom; People who consider the likes of Ebrahim Raisi among the murderers, torturers and aggressors of their loved ones.

We Iranian homosexuals, bisexuals, trans persons and queers, who consider ourselves a part of the Woman Life Freedom Revolution and the struggle of the majority of people to bring down the Islamic Republic, announce to all governments, organizations and international institutions:

If your heart beats with the people of Iran and their struggles to eradicate discrimination and injustice, if you want to show the people of the world that you are still committed to human rights, if you want history not to remember your name as supporters of dictators and executioners, listen to the voice of the revolution in Iran and the demands of the Iranian people. Hence, instead of sending condolences:

1. Take a look at Ebrahim Raisi's record and end appeasement with the Islamic Republic.

2. Put the main organization of suppression of protesters and terror outside the borders, IRGC, in the list of terrorist organizations.

3. Shut down the embassies and centers of the Islamic Republic and expel its representatives from your country. 

4. Boycott the Islamic Republic, the gender apartheid regime and stand by us, the people of Iran.

May 2024

Signatory organizations:

1. Azad Queer (network of Iranian queers in the Netherlands and supporters)

2. Organization of Iranian Rainbows

3. Simorgh, Iranian Queer Community

4. 6rang (Iranian Lesbians and Transgender Network)

5- Queers and feminists for Iran liberation collective - Paris

Signatory persons:

1. Arghvan Shamsara, journalist and founder of Simorgh Iranian Queer organization

2. Arya Yekta, non-binary transgender activist

3. Arian, gay and queer activist from the UK

4. Pouria Rahman, gay and activist of the LGBT+ community from Afghanistan

5. Khalil Abyat, LGBT+ community rights activist and head of the 6rang Arabic section

6. Ramtin Ziggurat, an activist defending the rights of LGBT+ and refugees

7. Zaniar Bukani, left activist and communist

8. Sobhan Nofar, queer activist and one of the founders of Simorgh Iranian Queers Organization

9. Saeed Ghorbani, an expert on refugees and one of the founders of Simorgh Iranian Deserts Organization

10. Tala Zaman, queer and civil activist

11. Ali Irfani, gay and queer activist from Iran

12. Fardin (Savash), gay and rainbow community rights activist from Türkiye

13. Farid Ashna, homosexual and queer rights activist and refugee from Afghanistan

14. Lia Bloch, author and intersectional feminist

15. Melika Zar, executive director of 6Rang network and activist of the LGBT+ community

16. Mehran Hamidi, gay, political activist and lgbtq+ movement activist from Iran

17. Maddi Amres, artist, feminist and queer activist 

18. Negar Jokar, human rights activist

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    This petition has received 229 signatures so far. Approximately 80% of signatures come from Iran. Approximately 20% of signatures come from outside of Iran. Learn how Daadkhast generates signature maps.
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    گروهی از خانواده‌های دادخواه، فعالان حقوق زنان و حقوق بشر در نامه‌ای خطاب به دنیس فرانسیس، رئیس مجمع عمومی سازمان ملل متحد از او خواستند تا از برگزاری هرگونه مراسمی برای مرگ ابراهیم رئیسی اکیدا خودداری کند.
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    - ۹ خرداد ۱۴۰۳

  • نرگس محمدی: روز یاد بود رئیسی در سازمان ملل به واقع روز گرامیداشت چوبه های دار، اعدام و کشتار جمعی علیه مردم ایران است.

    بخشی از متن: وقتی دولت های جهان ، ناقض فاحش حقوق بشر و جلاد تاریخ سرزمین ایران را که تا روز مرگش ابزار سرکوب یک ملت بود، در جایگاهی قرار می دهند که گویی انسانی صلح طلب و دموکرات را از دست داده اند، دیگر نباید انتظار داشت که دیکتاتورها، سرکوبگران، ناقضان حقوق بشر ، شکنجه گران و جلادان مرگ آفرین دیگری در جاهای دیگر جهان سر برنیاورند. چرا که مشاهده و یقین می کنند که روز مرگشان پرچم سازمان‌ملل نیمه برافراشته و سیاستمداران و دولتمردان جهان تسلیت گو خواهند بود و صدای مردمان معترض بی پناه و تحت ستم به دیوار " روابط دیپلماتیک" و " اقدامات مسبوق به سابقه" ی دولتها خواهد خورد.
    - ۷ خرداد ۱۴۰۳

  • فعالین و تشکل‌های رنگین‌کمانی started this petition

  • برگزاری یادبود برای قصاب تهران در سازمان ملل متحد؟!!

    بخشی از متن:
    پرونده جمهوری اسلامی بسیار سیاه‌تر و ننگین‌تر از آن است که بتوان از آن در جایی که ردی از عدل و انصاف و وجدان وجود داشته باشد، برای مسئولانش یادبود و بزرگ‌داشت برپا کرد. از دبیرکل محترم و رییس مجمع عمومی می‌خواهم ابراهیم رییسی را آن طور که مردم ایران پس از مرگش «جلاد ایران» و «قصاب تهران» خطاب کردند به رسمیت بشناسند. و نهادها و کمیته‌های زیر دست خود از جمله کمیته‌ حقیقت‌یاب را به سخره نگیرند.
    - ۴ خرداد ۱۴۰۳

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