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Legal Pursuit of Police Violence Against an Afghan Teenager and a Warning About Increasing Racism in Iran

353 Signatures
500 Goal
A Baluch activist started this petition

Addressed to:

The Public Prosecutor of Absard, Damavand 

The Office of the Attorney General of Iran 

The Office of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran

September 10, 2024

According to reports, in August of this year, Seyed Mehdi Mousavi, a 15-year-old Afghan teenager residing in Absard, Damavand, was subjected to severe violence by the Iranian police. An officer of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s police force, in full uniform, pressed his knee against the head and neck of Seyed Mehdi Mousavi while another person in plain clothes restrained the boy’s body, aiding the police officer. A reporter for Shargh Daily wrote, “Seyed Mehdi’s cries echoed through the alley as bystanders gathered around the police car, witnessing an officer aggressively shouting at the deaf boy. Mehdi Mousavi, crying, pleaded, ‘Uncle, let me go!’” During the altercation, Mehdi’s hearing aid was destroyed.

This violent act not only violates the rights of this child but also symbolizes a grave violation of human rights and the racism and discriminatory behavior faced by Afghan citizens in Iran.

Unfortunately, in recent months, there has been a disturbing rise in hate speech against Afghan citizens, migrants, and refugees in Iran. Another instance of such discriminatory behavior was the expulsion of Kobra Gholami, an Iranian-Afghan researcher, who was deported after 35 years of living in Iran due to her failure to comply with the Islamic dress code. Thankfully, public pressure and the efforts of social activists, as well as Afghan and Iranian researchers and advocates, resulted in her return to Iran.

We, the undersigned of this petition, emphasize the need to uphold human rights and to fight against all forms of racism and discrimination. We demand the following:

  1. A thorough legal investigation into the violent incident involving Seyed Mehdi Mousavi and the identification and arrest of the responsible police officer.
  2. Compensation and an official apology to Seyed Mehdi Mousavi and his family by the relevant authorities.
  3. Serious and comprehensive collaboration between government institutions and domestic media in Iran to put an end to racism and hate speech against Afghan citizens and refugees.
  4. The establishment of legal and social mechanisms to protect the rights of migrants and refugees in Iran and to prevent any unjust or discriminatory treatment against them.

Given the urgency and importance of this issue, we expect this petition to be addressed and acted upon promptly. We call on you to fulfill your legal and moral responsibilities by taking adequate measures to ensure justice and social security.

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  • See where all the votes are coming from

    Province Number of signatures
    Alborz 9
    Ardabil 0
    Bushehr 0
    Chahar Mahaal and Bakhtiari 2
    East Azerbaijan 5
    Fars 5
    Gilan 5
    Golestan 2
    Hamadan 1
    Hormozgan 0
    Ilam 0
    Isfahan 5
    Kerman 3
    Kermanshah 3
    Khuzestan 1
    Kohgiluyehv And Boyer Ahmad 0
    Kurdistan 5
    Lorestan 1
    Markazi 0
    Mazandaran 2
    North Khorasan 2
    Qazvin 0
    Qom 5
    Razavi Khorasan 5
    Semnan 0
    Sistan and Baluchestan 2
    South Khorasan 0
    Tehran 35
    West Azerbaijan 3
    Yazd 0
    Zanjan 0
    This petition has received 353 signatures so far. Approximately 68% of signatures come from Iran. Approximately 32% of signatures come from outside of Iran. Learn how Daadkhast generates signature maps.
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    1. مبارزه با نژادپرستی و نفرت‌پراکنی علیه پناهجویان افغانستانی

    2. مبارزه با نژادپرستی و نفرت‌پراکنی علیه پناهجویان افغانستانی

    3. مبارزه با نژادپرستی و نفرت‌پراکنی علیه پناهجویان افغانستانی

    4. Signed via Telegram
    5. مبارزه با نژادپرستی و نفرت‌پراکنی علیه پناهجویان افغانستانی

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    « ده ها نفر از مهاجرین افغانستان که قصد ورود به کشور ایران را داشتند در منطقه مرزی کلگان سراوان هدف تیراندازی مستقیم قرار گرفته و کشته و زخمی شده اند که شمار زیادی از آنان اهل ولسوالی غرماچ(غرماش) ولایت بادغیس افغانستان می باشند وی افزود بیشتر این افراد جوان و کم سن و سال بوده اند که مجروحین عمدتا از ناحیه کمر و پا مورد هدف تیراندازی قرار گرفته بوده اند.» دو تن از مهاجرین افغان که شاهد عینی تیراندازی‌ در شامگاه یکشنبه ۲۲ مهر ماه ۱۴۰۳، بوده اند در فایل های صوتی گفته اند نیروهای نظامی جمهوری اسلامی در مرز کلگان سراوان«۲۶۰ تن از آنها (مهاجر تبعه افغان) را در تیراندازی کشته اند.»
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    منبع: اعتماد آنلاین
    - ۱۴۰۳/۰۶/۲۳

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    مهدی بخشی، دادستان کرمان شامگاه چهارشنبه ۲۱ شهریور گفت: «طرح جمع‌آوری اتباع خارجی غیرمجاز در شهر کرمان با دستور دادستانی مبنی بر شناسایی، دستگیری و اخراج اتباع بیگانه غیرمجاز در دستور کار قرار گرفته است.» مهدی بخشی، افزود: « طی ۴۸ساعت گذشته در راستای برخورد با ورود افراد اتباع غیرمجاز به داخل کشور ۶۰۵ نفر از اتباع بیگانه در کرمان جمع‌آوری شدند.»
    - ۲۱ شهریور ۱۴۰۳

  • A Baluch activist started this petition

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