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Enforcers of Mandatory Hijab Must Be Prosecuted

566 Signatures
500 Goal
Gershad NGO started this petition

"A non-commissioned officer and a soldier forcibly pushed me into a police car, and it started moving. The officer began making vulgar remarks. He grabbed my hand, placing his hand on my leg. I tried to resist, but it was useless—he was far stronger. Throughout the ordeal, he ensured I couldn’t be seen from outside. I was terrified; my tears wouldn’t stop. Suddenly, he slipped his hand inside my clothes and said, ‘Your heart is racing. Are you on drugs?’ I tried to escape, but the door wouldn’t open from the inside. When he realized how distressed I was, he said, ‘We’ll let you go, but you must tell no one. Just as we can be kind, we can be cruel.’"

This account is just one of thousands of testimonies submitted to Gershad in the past year alone. Imagine living every day in fear—knowing you could be harassed, detained, or even killed simply because of the way you dress. For many women in Iran, the encounter with the morality police has far-reaching, painful consequences: the loss of employment, the confiscation of assets, frozen financial accounts, denial of education, travel bans, heavy fines, and even lashings or imprisonment.

This is the harsh reality for millions of women in Iran, who live under constant surveillance and extreme psychological pressure. Women like Mahsa Amini, Armita Geravand, Nafas Haji Sharif, and Azadeh Badri left their homes for routine activities but became victims of the Islamic Republic’s oppressive laws.

The morality police, traffic authorities, prosecutors, courts, the Ministry of Intelligence, the Revolutionary Guard, and the Basij paramilitary forces, supported by plainclothes agents, are the enforcers of these degrading and repressive mandatory hijab laws. We are committed to amplifying the voices of victims and ensuring that those responsible for enforcing these laws and oppressing women are held accountable.

Our message is clear: The time has come for all who uphold and enforce these repressive laws to be held responsible.

By signing this petition, you are standing up against injustice and contributing to a future where no woman has to live in fear.

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  • See where all the votes are coming from

    Province Number of signatures
    Alborz 27
    Ardabil 3
    Bushehr 2
    Chahar Mahaal and Bakhtiari 0
    East Azerbaijan 7
    Fars 17
    Gilan 9
    Golestan 0
    Hamadan 3
    Hormozgan 3
    Ilam 0
    Isfahan 10
    Kerman 6
    Kermanshah 1
    Khuzestan 1
    Kohgiluyehv And Boyer Ahmad 0
    Kurdistan 2
    Lorestan 0
    Markazi 2
    Mazandaran 4
    North Khorasan 2
    Qazvin 2
    Qom 5
    Razavi Khorasan 13
    Semnan 1
    Sistan and Baluchestan 1
    South Khorasan 0
    Tehran 137
    West Azerbaijan 3
    Yazd 4
    Zanjan 0
    This petition has received 566 signatures so far. Approximately 86% of signatures come from Iran. Approximately 14% of signatures come from outside of Iran. Learn how Daadkhast generates signature maps.
  • Latest signatures

    1. پلیس امنیت اخلاقی باید منحل شود.

    2. همه قوانین و مقررات مربوط به حجاب اجباری باید ملغی شوند.

    3. همه قوانین و مقررات مربوط به حجاب اجباری باید ملغی شوند.

    4. همه قوانین و مقررات مربوط به حجاب اجباری باید ملغی شوند.

    5. همه قوانین و مقررات مربوط به حجاب اجباری باید ملغی شوند.

  • شورای نگهبان: لایحه «عفاف و حجاب» تأیید شده و در اختیار مجلس است

    سخنگوی شورای نگهبان پس از چند هفته تأخیر، با تأیید خبر برخی نمایندگان مجلس شورای اسلامی، می‌گوید لایحهٔ موسوم به «عفاف و حجاب»‌ در این شورای حکومتی تأیید شده و اکنون در اختیار مجلس است. طحان نظیف روز شنبه ۲۸ مهر در نشست خبری در پاسخ به سؤال خبرنگاران در مورد صحت اخبار منتشرشده گفت:‌ «در این مدت چند نفر از نمایندگان مجلس در این خصوص اطلاع‌رسانی کردند و دیگر نیازی به این موضوع نبود.»
    - ۲۸/مهر/۱۴۰۳

  • Gershad NGO started this petition

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