December 16, 2024
Three prisoners — Hadi Rostami, Mehdi Shahivand, and Mehdi Sharifian — have been incarcerated in Urmia Central Prison for nine years on theft charges. In 2019, the Iranian judiciary sentenced them to the amputation of four fingers on their right hand under Islamic Sharia law. This punishment blatantly violates international human rights principles, which condemn torture and cruel punishment.
In a recent open letter, the prisoners described their unbearable fear as their sentence nears execution. They highlighted the psychological torment inflicted on them and their families, especially following the recent execution of similar sentences on other prisoners.
Sentences involving the amputation of body parts are a clear form of torture and cruel punishment prohibited under international human rights laws, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention Against Torture, to which Iran is a signatory. These punishments degrade human dignity and inflict irreversible physical and psychological harm on victims and their families.
We demand:
1. The Immediate Suspension of the Amputation Sentences: Halt the execution of these barbaric sentences and ensure the safety of Hadi Rostami, Mehdi Shahivand, and Mehdi Sharifian.
2. Abolition of Amputation Sentences: End the use of amputation and similar forms of cruel punishment in Iran’s judicial system.
3. Adherence to International Human Rights Obligations: Iran must comply with its commitments under international human rights treaties by abolishing all forms of torture and cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment.
Every moment counts. These three men are living in constant fear, their dignity shattered, and the anticipation of this grotesque punishment tears their families apart. By signing this petition, we stand together against this grave violation of human rights and demand justice for the victims.
خجالت اوره توی کشوری که دزدی از جیب تمام ملت توسط پولدارترین آدما تا اختلاس های کلان هرروز به گوش میرسه 3نفر که شاید از روی فقر و بدبختی اینکار کرده باشن مجازات شدیدمیشوند اگه پول های مردم بالا نکشید اونا هم احتیاج به دزدی ندارن